Rajiv Gandhi escaped Indo-Pak war as a pilot

We call Rahul Gandhi a Shehzada but the truth is this family is os Shehzadas from past. Father of Rahul, Former Prime minister of India Rajiv Gandhi often got advantages of being a Shehzada. This story of utter disrespect towards National army and the patriotism towards the nation might shock you.

During the India-Pakistan war of 1971, which was also coinciding with the liberation struggle of Bangladesh (then East Pakistan) from the clutches of Pakistan(then West Pakistan), under emergency provisions, the leave applications of all Indian Airlines pilots were cancelled so that they could be used for providing logistical support. The only exception was Rajiv Gandhi, a full-time pilot with Indian Airlines. Sonia Gandhi nee Maino, who now claims that she is an Indian till her last breath, flew off to Italy with Rajiv Gandhi and their two children.

Holidays of all the airline staffs including pilots were cancelled during the Indo-Pak war of 1971. Only Rajiv Gandhi was granted holiday and he even had a holiday in Italy.


While indigenous Indians serving as pilots with Indian Airlines stood by to serve their motherland, Sonia Gandhi nee Maino and family remained in the more congenial surroundings of Italy during the entire duration of the war, returning only after General Niazi had signed the surrender papers.

The other incident, once again resurrected from those 10 years. After news came in that the Congress and Indira Gandhi had been defeated in 1977, Sonia Gandhi nee Maino packed all her luggage overnight, with husband and children in tow, took refuge in the Italian embassy in New Delhi’s Chanakyapuri. It took the combined efforts of Indira Gandhi, Sanjay Gandhi and Maneka Gandhi (wife of Sanjay Gandhi, now a MP for BJP) to convince her to return to the Gandhi home.


Rajiv Gandhi is no more. He was assassinated while bringing peace to a neighboring island nation but Soniya Gandhi is still there trying to make it large for her son Rahul Gandhi, with such a mother we doubt patriotism of Rahul.


Mukul Pathak

Mukul Pathak

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